The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) boundary is defined as the corporate limits of Columbia City.  A Storm Water Quality Management Plan (SWQMP) was developed to comply with Phase II of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s storm water program originating from the 1990 Clean Water Act that acts to preserve, protect, and improve the water resources from polluted storm water runoff.  A 5-year National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by IDEM under the Rule 13 requirements has been issued to the City.  This permit cycle is valid through November 01, 2013.  A SWQMP requires the establishment of controls on the unregulated sources of storm water discharges, also referred to as non-point source pollutants that have proven to be the greatest cause to the impairment of our water resources.

Here is a list of valuable report pdfs and links for information regarding Columbia City’s FEMA flood plane information.

FEMA Flood Insurance Plan
Southwest (pdf)
Southeast (pdf)
Northwest (pdf)
Northeast (pdf)
Flood Insurance Study(pdf)
INFIP Indiana Floodplain Information Portal (link)

Columbia City Downspout Program
Downspout Disconnection Program (pdf)
Agreement Form

Columbia City Rain Barrel Program
Rain Barrel Program (pdf)
FAQ’s for Rain Barrels (pdf)

Rebate Claim Forms (pdf)

Preventing Stormwater Pollution
Dumpster & Trash Management
Pet waste (pdf)
National Tree Benefit Calculator (link)
Watersheds and Nonpoint Source Water Pollution (link)
Whitley County Solid Waste (link)
The City of Columbia City’s storm water management is provided through its Board of Public Works and has established a Storm Water Utility to provide the necessary revenue to manage and have resources for compliance.

Stormwater Construction Permit Fees
Stormwater Development Manual (pdf)
Stormwater Quality Management Plan (pdf)
Stormwater MS4 Map (pdf)

For more information contact:

Mike Shoda
MS4 Coordinator


Jon Gotz
Whitley County Soil & Water Conservation District
788 Connexion Way Suite C
Columbia City, IN 46725
260-244-6266 ext. 3