Weather Policies
When the temperature drops below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, for the safety of the public, the pool will not open.
If a light rain starts, the pool will remain open without restriction. If a hard rain starts that prevents the lifeguards from seeing the bottom of the pool the pool will be cleared until the rain stops.
In the event of thunder, patrons must leave the facility and will be issued a weather pass. Patrons can then wait in their vehicles and will be permitted to enter back into the facility 30 minutes after the last sound of thunder.
In the event of forecasted extreme weather, direct patrons to leave the premises 30 minutes before weather hits (including tornado warnings).
Total Capacity of Facility
Maximum Bather Load
Admission Office Supply Shop
These items are available for purchase in the admission office.
Fahl Aquatic Center aims to provide the citizens of Columbia City and the surrounding area with a safe and engaging recreational opportunity centered around family and community.
452 N. Whitley Street, Columbia City IN 46725
260.248.5182 or 260-248-5180
2025 Season length Memorial Day through Early August
Public Swim: Closed for the season
Admission Office Hours: Closed for the season call Park office 260-248-5180