2022 Goals for the Stingrays Swim Team
Show Kindness and Respect
Swim is such a friendly, yet competitive support. As a program we should strive to be known as a respectful team. This means, respect all facilities and their rules. As well, respect every swimmer, official and parent regardless of whether or not they are apart of our program.
Attend Meets
There is no better way to test progress then to full out race, there is no better place to race then meets. We hope to have our swimmers attend meets for two reasons. One, this is the best place to see all of their hard work in the early morning practices pay off. Two, swim meets are a great time to spend time cheering on your teammates, as well as have fun with your friends.
Place well at City Championships
Coming off a great finish at City in the 2021 season, we hope to have an even better one this year. Going to early morning practices will all be worth it when the team has a good final championship meet.
Most Importantly, HAVE FUN!!!
Lastly, and most importantly we want all of our swimmers to have a fun and enjoyable summer. Both coaches remember how fun summer swim was when they are younger, and wish every swimmer has the same experience they did. As coaches, we will push you hard, but we will also make sure you have so much fun!!